
Recently, Ive been really getting into Brooklyn band The Antlers. The new album Hospice tells the story of a man who is slowly losing the love of his life to bone cancer as he watches over her in the hospital ward. Sound heartbreaking?, well it is. but the album is more about overcoming things than sinking into helplessness. And the video for “Two” is anything from dreary. Bright, vivid, 2-D version of the band playing alone in an apartment where the music fills up the empty space. Eventually, the music overcomes everything and the band members limbs, heads and bodies slowly float off in different directions.


  1. Hospice Los Angeles
    February 9, 2010

    It is really a great blog i want to subscribe so can you give me the details when your blog gets updated.

  2. Shirley Jenkins
    July 7, 2010

    I am asking all of my friends (and friends of friends) to help me support a child cancer foundation that I really believe in.

    It is a facebook contest at and the name of the foundation is called The Seany Foundation (their site is at

    Seany died of Ewing’s Sarcoma cancer a few years ago and he was a teenager. I knew Seany and promised his family I would help where I could. Chase Bank is having a charity contest ending in about 6 days and if you could VOTE (it is free to vote) with your facebook account AND post it to your facebook wall, I would really, really appreciate it.


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