Posted in Independent Music


We first heard of B-Side Entertainment last year after coming across the micro-budget indie film, “Visioneers” which had been acquired by the company and premiered at the 2008 Seattle International Film Festival.  B-Side creatively and profitably distributes independent films like “Visioneers” through innovative niche marketing at a fraction of the normal cost and is quickly changing the way distributors view film marketing. The film, directed by Jared Drake, written by Brandon Drake, and starring Discosalt fav comedian Zach “starts with a gal, ends with a kiss” Galifianakis is a dark comedy set in a futuristic society, where the middle finger has replaced hello and people spontaneously combust from stress.  Galifianakis, most known for his piss in your pants stand up shtick ala Live at the Purple Onion and more recent notoriety from “The Hangover” (which if you havent seen either of…set em to the top of yer to do list) plays a more serious role as George Washington Winsterhammerman,  a mid-level manager at the Jeffers Corporation who starts to reevaluate his mundane existence and take matters into his own hands. Its full of angst, some really funny and poignant moments and of course Zach. We really can’t get enough Zach lately so we are excited you can now pre-book the film on DVD. Just click here to order now from the official VISIONEERS Movie store on B-Side.


  1. Steve
    June 9, 2009

    Great to see Visioneers getting this kind of attention! B-Side is also running a screening program for it this summer. Head on over to the film’s official website to learn about upcoming screenings or even hosting your own event! http://www.visioneersthemovie.com/screenings/


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