After a long hiatus, Interpol is back with a beautiful and disturbing new video for “Lights”,which the band is currently distributing virally. The carefully choreographed video, directed by Charlie White, plays with timing, construction of movements and some really interesting editing to serve up a brilliantly themed video that leaves quite a bit open to interpretation. Deep within the chamber of the three horned rhinoceros beetle, a closely guarded pheromone harvesting ritual is about to begin.Β  A poor creature is lured to the light by some sexily body painted women, where she is groomed, injected and in her excitement she produces a milky drug that the other creatures want and need. But in the awkwardly abrupt ending, she seems to be disregarded as the others have no need for her. Or maybe as the songs lyrics suggest, the girl has just become lost to the darkness, part of a dark feeding cycle of pleasure addiction.

grab the mp3 from the band below: