Posted in New Art


Jenna works from a detailed vision that she sets out to recreate, whether arising from her subconscious or something from everyday life that sparks her imagination. A common plant such as a Venus Fly Trap will transform itself into a vagina, eating tiny man flies that she simply must capture. A common kitchen appliance will reveal a bored house wives tool for masturbation that she will recreate and photograph. In case you havent already figured it out, most of Jennas ideas are raunchy, visual puns that you laugh about and later construct. Some of her jokes could be considered bathroom humor while others deal with more serious issues such as gender and roles women have in society.  She photographs mostly women, feminine men and mannequins, all of which have roles that are blurred. For Jenna,  exploration and a quick imagination allow other visions to surface.  She believes in getting her ideas through experience, her minds eye,  day-dreams and fantasies, not other peoples.

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